Friday, July 25, 2008

First posting and update....

Hey everyone,

I am starting this blog to update everybody on whats going on on a more frequent basis with Desiree and I as well as Baby Hattingh. I will try to update as much as possible as we go through the weeks.
The nursery is pretty much done, and we have pretty much got everything we need for awhile except all the little things and essentials......and sex specific items and, and, and, get the idea (hahahahahaha).
Thank you Dad, Mom (Kristen), and Griffin for the gifts, you guys are the best and spoiled the little brat before he/she was even born, but also you guys have provided me with the strength and serenity I needed to tackle this huge milestone in my life which can never be repaid I am able to be strong and headstrong not only for me but for Desiree to . Thank you Dayton and Ellen, now Baby Hattingh will be riding in style. You guys are and I am sure will be in the future... life savers. Your unselfishness and love for not only Desiree but myself included has saved us more times than I would like to admit . Thanks Michael for the dresser (I still don't know if you gave it to us) but none-the-less we will use it as much as possible. Hopefully I will keep up with this as much as possible.
That's it for now.

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